Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Legend of Bob "Huggy Bear" Huggins

September 21st represents the final day of an eventful summer. There was the birth of the royal baby in England, and to keep up, America's royal couple Kim and Kanye had a baby too. Then there was Miley Cyrus doing something stupid and Lindsay Lohan going back to rehab because she had separation anxiety.

September 21st is also a very important date, because it marks the 60 year anniversary of the greatest thing that ever happened to college basketball. 60 years ago, the modern day version of Robert Montgomery Knight was born. When asked who is the best coach in college basketball, you probably go with all-time wins and say Coach K or Jim Boeheim, or maybe you go with a trendy pick like Tom Izzo or John Calipari. They are all fine choices, but if you ask me, it has to be Bob Huggins. It has nothing to do with his 690 career wins or the fact that he has lead teams to the postseason in 25 of 28 years, but with how he interacts with his players.

When Huggy Bear recruits players out of high school he uses the same tactics that those players use on the girls at school. He leaves them feeling excited and optimistic after the first date and then never calls them again. He waits three days to return their calls and always mispronounces their names. But just like the girl in high school, they always commit and decide to follow him to college because they are convinced that one day he will change his mind and like them.

The first three weeks of practice are awkward because Huggy Bear only yells at them and calls them all by the same name, and because this is a family friendly blog I cannot say that name here. They also have to earn the right to wear shoes at practice, and they practice outside in the parking lot next to the bar because Huggy loves beer. He is notorious for throwing chairs and empty beer bottles at the players while they practice as a way to toughen them up.

Huggy tears his players down to size and treats them like they are nothing, and then builds them back up into the hard-nosed, tough-minded players that excel in his system. They learn to respect him and will do whatever it takes for the team to succeed, and in return he treats them like they are his kids. All of these things make Bob "Huggy Bear" Huggins the best coach in college basketball!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blew Eyes (One Blew East, One Blew West)

This past week Tracy McGrady announced his retirement from the NBA. You're probably thinking to yourself that he retired in 2008. You're also probably thinking that Kim and Reggie are still together and that Tiger Woods is a family man. The last few years were a long way from the days when he was the only player on the Magic, or when he partnered with Yao to make one of the most dangerous 1-2 combos in the NBA.

You will remember him for his ability to dunk with the same ferocity that Kobayashi applies to eating hot dogs or the time he scored 62 points against the Wizards or the fact that he is Vince Carter's cousin, but not me. The thing I'll remember most about him was the same thing that made him so successful, his lazy eye.

For normal people having a lazy eye is a bad thing, but for a basketball player it is actually an advantage. Basketball is a game of deception, so if the opponent can't read your eyes to see where you are looking, they don't know what you're going to do. The lazy eye allowed him to see the floor in a different way. He never met a shot he didn't like. There could be three defenders in his face, but in his eyes they were three feet to the left. Sure there were games when people would say he was too selfish or he didn't look to make the open pass, but what those people don't realize is that having a lazy eye actually reduces your vision. So it's not that he didn't want to pass, it's that he couldn't see.

Tracy McGrady is the first NBA player in history to have more than 18,000 points, more than 5,000 rebounds and more than 4,000 assists with a lazy eye. Which should make him a lock for the hall of fame someday. Hall of Fame or not, he owes his whole career to his lazy eye, because without it he would have just been average.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Efficiency of a Quarterback

With week one of the NFL season in the books, there were many impressive performances from the Quarterback position. What makes a QBs performance impressive? Is it passing yards? Touchdowns? No turnovers? All of those things are important, but the most important thing is efficiency. Today we look at Jay Cutler's form and show you why he is the most efficient on-field cigarette smoker in the NFL.

Jay Cutler is the only player in the NFL who has a cigarette pocket on the front of his jersey. Now the pocket is  2 inches below shoulder length on the left side of his chest.  He takes his right arm and bends at his elbow to a 55 degree angle across his chest. He removes the pack from his pocket at a speed of 8.2 miles per hour with a flight time of 3.1 seconds. The standard for holding a cigarette between your fingers is about 90% out and 10% in your mouth, but jay only leaves 85% out and 15% in, which allows him to be more efficient by enjoying more of the cigarette flavor. Then after placing the pack back in his pocket at a speed of 7.2 miles per hour and a flight time of 3.7 seconds, he lights the cigarette at a speed of 15 miles per hour. Once the cigarette is lit, he lifts his head up 78 degrees while raising his right eyebrow 1/4 of an inch and tensing his face to deliver that famous Jay Cutler douchey glare. All of these things enable Jay Cutler to be the most efficient on-field cigarette smoker in the NFL.

Join us next time as we honor the career of a former dunk champion and tell you why he had such a great career.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Human Nose

With the start of the new NFL season the drama is high, will Aaron Hernandez lead the Bristol County Correctional facility in receptions, can Andy Reid actually GAIN weight eating bacon wrapped chili dogs in Kansas City and how will Colin Kaepernick be able to repeat his dominating 2012 season?

John Brenkus is a busy guy, and there are some stories that he just isn't qualified to take on. That's where I come in.

Today we take a look into Colin "the human nose" Kaepernick's nose and how it makes him so successful. The average length of a male nose is 5.8cm long and protrudes 2.6cm. Colin's nose is 6.2cm long and protrudes 3.4cm. The average NFL QB 40 time is 5.17 but Colin is able to run a 4.53, the difference here can be directly attributed to the size of his nose. Due to the nose size he is able to keep his mouth closed maximizing his oxygen absorption to make him a more efficient breather and ultimately a more efficient runner. Because he is able to breath through his nose, he is 50% more resistant to the air stream than the normal runner which allows him to maintain adequate elasticity of the lungs. Breathing through your mouth increases the possibility of dehydration, so Colin is able to prevent that due to his large nose. The 49ers run the read option and the reason they are so successful is because the defense gets blinded by the size of the nose and their feet are stuck to the ground. Colin's huge nose also helps him with the ladies because mouth breathing makes you look dense, dull or stupid, and scoring the night before a game helps him relax and relieve stress while helping him remain focused during the game, which ultimately leads to success. All of these things give Colin Kaepernick a nose up on the competition and that's why he will be able to replicate his breakout season in 2013.

Thanks for reading and join us next time when we discuss Jay Cutler's on field smoking abilities!